Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
7 Facts about myself:
1. I have a slight obsession with food. Sometimes I think I should have gone to school to being a chef of some sort, and possible own my own bakery. My current favorites are coconut yogurt, dried mangoes and kiwi, and risotto. But my all time favorite is Indian food. I could definitely eat it every single day!
2. While I was on my winter break, I joined a gym (because of all this food loving in part) and fell in love with yoga. I am by no means flexible/good at breathing/etc. yet but it's one thing I know I can do and feel amazing about after no matter what.
3. This video makes me want a welsh corgi so bad.
4. Although I know this is nothing out of the ordinary, I am addicted to my e-mail and my Google reader. When classes begin this week I am going to try and set a time limit goal and only check my e-mail a few times a day. It'll be hard, but will hopefully help me focus on school work!
5. I hope one day to live in New York City, get married on a Tuscan vineyard, travel to as many unusual places as possible with my husband, and build a house in rural Vermont to live in (in that order, please).
6. After this first semester at college, I can finally call my mom my best friend. I miss her and my dad so much every day (Bonus fact: I'm an only child).
7. I have a long list of places to visit this semester, and I'm very angry at myself that I didn't start doing more last semester! It includes: Rome, Viareggio for Carnival in February, Milan to stalk fall fashion week, Prague, the Swiss Alps in April, Cinque Terra and Sicily near the end of the semester, and the Amalfi Coast.
I tag...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
We realized as soon as the bus dropped us off how much quieter and less congested Fiesole was. Every minute or so we might run into someone on the street, rather than every single second like we do in Florence. We found a free map at the Tourist Information center and began our journey to find the best pasticceria in Fiesole--Alcedo. As opposed to many bars in Florence, you could actually see the pastries being made right then and there in the back room (not trucked in from who knows where). The cappucinos seemed extra tasty as well. Five stars!
Next it was time to hike up a very steep road to see the actual views. Actually, the whole town consisted of steep hills that give you an excellent lower body workout. We saw a few people riding bikes up practically vertical streets and just stood there, jaws open. At the top, our jaws dropped once again at the seriously incredible views:
The Archeological Musuem was a short walk away, so we purchased our tickets for the musuem and ruins and went inside. Etruscan walls, churches, and altars were there, along with the Roman versions of each. There was a huge amphitheater, tombs, and even Roman baths (yay Latin class!).
Fiesole was absolutely gorgeous. I really hope I get the chance to go there again this semester. The town is such an oasis compared to the crazy city life of the center of Florence.
Next up, Rome? Finally?!
The only downside is that there is no SPF, which all my other moisturizers have. But it's great for a night moisturizer after you wash your face!
Yay freebies!
Monday, January 26, 2009
BO+MO 4Ever
On another note, I'm here in Florence. I had the whole airplane row to myself on my flight to Paris! That never happens. It would've been a lot better if the little boy behind me stopped talking for even ten minutes, but that turned out to be a lofty wish. I have a week to get settled in before school starts (which I'm actually excited about..?).
Oh! And Happy Chinese New Year to everyone celebrating out there :)
Friday, January 23, 2009
Have a great weekend, and Chinese New Year!