Last night I went to go see Food Inc. at the Angelika with some friends {wearing a dress from Paris, thrift store belt, random necklace and bracelets}.
While the movie was not centered around becoming a vegetarian/vegan/raw foodie, it did make me reaffirm my choice to become a vegetarian. I understand that there are responsible ways to eat meat and poultry, and I encourage every carnivore to do so. The price of grass-fed beef may be expensive at first, but it will save you millions of dollars in the long run for future health problems people associate with old age, rather than what they have been eating their whole lives.
The film also brought to light other issues wrong with our food system today, from tomatoes being available year-round, to five conglomerates running the "family" farms we think of from years past, to these conglomerations keeping immigrant and other poor workers under their thumbs. These companies treat their workers just as poorly as the animals they farm. The issue of making healthy food available to people of all income levels is especially important; as the movie said, a bag of carrots should cost less, not more, than a bag of chips.
It is worth every cent of the ticket price to see this documentary. If you're still not convinced, Chipotle teamed up with Food Inc. to offer free showings across the country.
This documentary has changed the way I will see all food. I am not saying I won't give into that DQ Blizzard every now and again, but it has stopped me from turning a blind eye on how everything comes to be.
Mmmm... blizzard. Oh, um, sorry. You know I'm a huge advocate of sustainable, healthy food. I've really appreciated your feedback on the movie, I'm totally going to buy it when it comes out on DVD. Wish I could see it now!
As for vegetarian choices, I think it's a great option. We've personally cut our meat consumption to one meal a day on most days, sometimes no meat. That way, if we don't have sustainable, humanely raised meat available, we have other options than the conventional stuff.
PS- I believe my cousin was wearing that same dress to a picnic last night. I was like Where have I seen that dress before???
Hehe, well I bought it in Paris, so maybe!
Ok, probably just close then...
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