It wasn't until I began reading
Fake Plastic Fish that I realized how much plastic I was actually consuming. Honestly, I think a lot of people don't--a plastic shopping bag here, a fast food fork there, a plastic water bottle over there. It's so easy
not to realize your consumption of plastics. Plastic is EVERYWHERE {seriously, once you start thinking about it, you'll notice} and FPF shows her readers life-changing, but simple, ways to decrease this consumption of plastic.
This post really got me thinking about my use of disposable razors. I looked online a little for safety razors, but remembered that my Poppi is an avid user. So I called him up, and being the amazing grandfather he is, he shipped me his "travel" razor straightaway {with 10 blades!}. I then found
these VEGAN shaving bars on Gudonya's Etsy for $3.25. I tried the whole process out yesterday and let me tell you, I love this plastic-free alternative {err, minus the plastic wrapping on the shave bars...I know, very hypocritical}. My new safety razor has given me the smoothest shave I've ever had!
Aside from this option being plastic-free, think of all the money you'll save:
one razor blade a month {less during winter!} +
shave bars for the rest of your life = a whole heck of a lot cheaper than disposable razors or refills. Granted, a safety razor takes some getting used to {heavier, sharper, doesn't pival} but if you take your time at first it's worth it in the end.
If you want to decrease your plastic consumption, pleast check out
Fake Plastic Fish -- especially her
"List of Plastic Free Changes to Date" which are truly an accomplishment. And if you find a safety razor at an antique store or in your grandfather's medicine cabinet, give it a try!